It all begins with Hustle.

Our Principles

We believe that the best working relationships are built through human connection. People buy into people. And the agency-client relationship is no different.

That’s why our mission at Hustle is to help brands and agencies form and maintain better relationships!

About Hustle

Ed founded Hustle in 2017 after 5 years as an Agency Sales Director at WPP.

He realised that so many clients were not being given the attention they needed and often getting lost in the ‘big agency food chain’.
He also saw the increasing need for smaller, nimbler independent agencies – especially among growing businesses in Australia, who were often getting stung by big agency prices they couldn’t afford.
Determined to find a better model, Ed started matching and referring clients to independent agencies he knew could deliver, and not long after ‘Hustle’ was born.
Over 6 years, Hustle now has over 200 agencies signed to their books, but the approach remains the same – finding the best and brightest marketing agencies in Australia and connecting them with brands that need them most.

And although a lot of Hustle’s trusted partners have been there from the start, The team at Hustle constantly has their finger on the pulse when it comes to finding new talent.
Ultimately Hustle does exactly what it says on the tin. It does the ‘hustle’ for you. The searching, the shortlisting, the pitching and the negotiating. And it’s the ‘hustle’ we love.

Our Clients

Since Hustle’s inception, we’ve helped over 150 brands find and partner with the brightest and best marketing agencies in Australia.

We’ve enjoyed working with various clients in different industries and sectors. From Government to start-ups, eCommerce to manufacturing, we’ve just about covered it all. But it’s not about Hustle’s experience or expertise; it’s the fantastic and talented agencies we partner with; they’re the ones with the experience that really matters.

Get in touch!

Have a question about Hustle’s services or our agency partners? We’re here to help! Fill in the contact form below and have one of our team members get back to you.